Sunday, December 6, 2020

Kindness of Strangers (2019)

Kindness of Strangers (2019) - United States
Directed by: Lucky Cerruti

Warning, this review contains mild spoilers.

Kindness of Strangers tells the story of an engaged couple, John and Sarah, who are looking for a venue to stay at where they can get married. They find an accommodation through an online app and find a rather nice bed-and-breakfast in a small town where everybody knows everybody. The home is hosted by Gail, a very welcoming and friendly woman living on her own after losing her husband Mack. But what seems like the perfect trip quickly turns into a nightmare for John and Sarah...

Man, where to start?
Well, from what I understand this is writer/director Lucky Cerruti's first film, and this is my first time seeing anything from him. After seeing this, I feel more inclined to check out his other work because Kindness of Strangers is a fantastic short film in every single respect!
The story, even if it's a little cliched, is very well-written and well-developed across the 34 minute runtime. Our main characters are very likable and have good chemistry between each other, so when they find themselves in trouble you feel sorry for them and want to see them win. Part of that also has to do with the acting, as our two leads play John and Sarah perfectly and are very fitting for the roles. Actually, everyone here turned in an amazing showing and it really helped suck me into the film. Without meaning to spoil, the actors who played the villains did a great job and really sold their characters as these truly sick, evil individuals who do what they do just because they can. There are some people out there who just like to hurt and kill others for fun, and the actors sell their characters as such evil scumbags.
The camera work and lighting is very competently done throughout, the editing and sound work is clean and tightly done, and what few special effects are in this film are done very well. Even the score, which was also done by Lucky, is good and helps set the tone and atmosphere for the film!
I was very pleasantly surprised with the overall quality of this short! When I went into it I was just expecting another by-the-numbers, bland horror story. But instead I got this tightly-written, perfectly-acted and just overall well-made short film. I would highly recommend picking up a copy and supporting the filmmakers, and anything else that they have available! I know Lucky has at least one other movie and a bunch of shorts available, which I will be reviewing in the near future.

-Kindness of Strangers was released on DVD by Dead Vision Productions in 2019! You can pick up a copy here.
-The film was also released on VHS, however the run was very limited and is sold out as of now.

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