Monday, July 1, 2019

Nasty Nancy (2010)

Nasty Nancy (2010) - Croatia
Directed by: Sandi Mance

This low-budget Croatian outing features Nancy, a young, honest girl who is doing her best to pass her classes in a school where the teachers will only pass you if they can get in your pants. When she is failed on her final exam, after all of her hard work and effort, she sets out for revenge on the perverted teachers by sending out fake invitations to an orgy at an abandoned building. She dons a Japanese-style schoolgirl outfit, grabs a katana and then the bloodshed begins...

It's quite unfortunate that (as far as I can tell) director Sandi Mance hasn't made another film since, because Nasty Nancy really has a lot going for it.
The only negative aspect is that the lighting is really bad in most scenes. Sometimes, scenes are so darkly lit that it's really hard to see the onscreen action and there is plenty of visual noise present, as this was shot with a cheaper camera. However, these negative aspects don't hold the film back.
The acting is stupidly hammy enough to pass for your usual Troma fare, but this actually enhances the viewing experience, because this film is not to be taken seriously at all. The movie is barely feature length with a runtime of 49 minutes, but it never feels boring and really delivers the goods.
Minus some obvious and fake-looking CGI blood, the gore effects are well-executed and there is plenty of dismemberment and bloodshed on display. The special effects were done by Miroslav Lakobrija, who also did the effects for the infamous A Serbian Film, so you know you're in for something awesome.
There's also several nods to the bizarre Japanese splatter films such as Tokyo Gore Police and Machine Girl, such as Nancy's schoolgirl outfit and katana, and the occasional Manga-style speech bubbles and Japanese writing.
If you're a fan of cheesy low-budget goodness, especially with a Japanese influence, Nasty Nancy may just be what you're looking for. I'm hoping to find more films from Croatia in the future.

-Nasty Nancy was independently released on DVD by Castrum Films in 2010.
     -Film Premiere
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