Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Last Days of Livermore (2016)

The Last Days of Livermore (2016) - United States
Directed by: Nathan Hine

The Last Days of Livermore is a short horror film from up-and-coming director Nathan Hine, the mind behind small independent film crew Hardgore Core Productions.
Hine has been active for several years on his YouTube channel reviewing and promoting underground splatter and horror movies, sharing his thoughts and his endless love for the genre and the community centered around it. Hine had been itching to make his own films for as long as he could remember, however, it wasn’t until 2016 that he had finally set out to do so.
The film's storyline focuses primarily on two individuals who are struggling to deal with issues they are having with their relationship. In an effort to better understand the situation and come to terms with each other, they travel out into the beautiful, yet eerie abandoned town of Livermore, Pennsylvania. They take a walk and end up at the local cemetery, where they talk and attempt to correct their troubles. It is then that things start to go horribly wrong.


Being the first ever film produced by Hardgore Core Productions, it is not free from error and it is expected that there will be a couple of issues.
The sound mix is a little stilted in some places and you have the occasional line of dialogue that could have used another take. However, the few minor setbacks do not overshadow all of the amazing things that this short film has to offer. For starters, the cinematography is well thought-out and well-shot. Livermore, which is a beautiful real-life ghost town, was the perfect setting and made for some hauntingly gorgeous shots. The film successfully captures the unnerving atmosphere of the place. The script and story are simple, but both work well enough to be carried across the short 20 minute runtime.
The special effects are nothing short of awesome. The blood is realistic in color and consistency, yet flows like a firehose, which will please gorehounds, and the makeup effects are done well enough to get under the average viewer’s skin..
Overall, this is a solid first effort from the Hardgore Core crew.
Hine is hard at work at getting his first full-length feature film The Sideling Hill professionally pressed and prepped for distribution. Meanwhile, both him and the rest of the crew have just wrapped up shooting a new short film called Keepsake and continue to aid other indie filmmakers on their projects, namely Jim Roberts from Blind Sight Productions.
The Hardgore Core crew are obviously very passionate about the splatter subgenre and dedicated to delivering the goods. This makes them definitely worth looking out for.

-This film was independently released on DVD by Hardgore Core Productions in 2018.
    -Director's Cut
    -Final Cut
    -Director's Cut Trailer

-Released on VHS by UK-based Dead Format Films in 2017.

-Featured on the First Annual Short Film Compilation DVD from King of the Witches and Dead Format Films, released in 2017.

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