Monday, November 11, 2019

Feto Morto (2003)

Feto Morto (2003) - Brazil
Directed by: Fernando Rick

Feto Morto follows John, a mentally-challenged geek who was born with a dead fetus attached to his head after his fat, abusive father had incestuous sex with his own sister. No matter where he goes or what he does, poor ol' John is faced with misfortune. Whether it's his bizarre sexual encounters with his love interest, or his unpleasant experience with a local trio of violent and anarchic punks, John will be faced with misfortune, until he decides to seek help and get revenge.

Let's face it: Brazilians know how to gross us out, and they know how to make quality trash cinema. This has been proven time and time again. Feto Morto is no exception, and is the embodiment of the word "trash." We get babies with their heads stomped, a cured crippled man who only gets his legs run over again, gratuitous scenes of sex and vomit, ridiculous over-the-top gore scenes, kung-fu style fights, and much more.
Unfortunately, this is one of those cases where the filmmakers care more about trying to shock the audience instead of focusing on a story. And while the story is there, it's only used to set up the stupidly laughable gore and "shock" sequences. I will say that the few gore scenes presented here, while very cheesy and fake-looking, are certainly fun to watch. They made for a good laugh, specifically a unique kill where a man is killed with his own appendage. Also for a movie shot on video, the camera work isn't too bad. Despite being handheld, the shots are usually very smooth and it's easy to tell what's happening on screen. Unfortunately, the sound is quite poor. The music is too loud compared to the dialogue, and as a result, will drown the dialogue out. The music and sound effects are also noticeably low-quality, as if ripped from the internet, which can be quite distracting at times.
I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy the movie. I'm a huge fan of films produced and distributed by Troma, and I could definitely see this passing as an early 2000's Troma film. Although I thought the movie was entertaining to some extent, I don't think I'll be watching it again any time soon. Overall, being only 58 minutes long, it's a moderately entertaining viewing experience.

-Feto Morto was released on DVD in 2003 by Black Vomit Filmes and distributed through the Canibal Filmes/Bulhorgia Produçoes website.

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